Roundup Panther Families,

It has been brought to our attention that the perception is that we have
changed cell phone rules at the high school. I would like to assure
families that our policies related to cell phone discipline have not
been changed.  As a friendly reminder, and to provide clarity for this
topic, below is a copy of the cell phone rules that have been in place.
The rules below can be found in the student handbook, and is based on
board policy 3630 which was adopted in February of 2022.

Student possession and use of cellular phones and other electronic signaling
devices on school grounds, at school-sponsored activities, and while
under the supervision and control of school district employees is a
privilege which will be permitted only under the circumstances described
herein. At no time will any student operate a cell phone or other
electronic device with video capabilities in a locker room, bathroom, or
other location where such operation may violate the privacy right of
another person. Cell phones may be used in the common areas and between
classes. Students are not to use cell phones during class unless the
teacher deems it educationally appropriate. Students using a cell phone
outside of these circumstances will have them confiscated by the staff.
If the student refuses to turn their cell phone over to a staff member
it will be considered insubordination and the student may face
disciplinary action.

  1. The first Cell Phone Violation will result in the cell phone being given to the office. The student may pick up the phone at the end of the school day.
  2. The second Cell Phone Violation will result in the cell phone being given to the office and parents will be notified. The student may pick up the cell phone at the end of the school day.
  3. The third Cell Phone Violation will result in the cell phone being given to the office and parents will be notified that they can pick up the phone at their leisure.
  4. Subsequent offenses will result in In-School-Suspension.

If you have questions or concerns, please feel free to contact district administration at any school office.