The basketball games vs. Columbus tomorrow afternoon will now be varsity only.
The C & JV games have been cancelled and will not be rescheduled.
Varsity Boys 1:00 PM
Varsity Girls 2:30 PM
Go Panthers!

This is a notice that the Board of Trustees for Roundup School District 55 & 55H, Musselshell County, Montana will hold their regularly scheduled February Board meeting on Monday, February 10. The Board of Trustees will be meeting at the district office at 7:00 PM. The agenda is posted at the following link - https://5il.co/375jg. You can also find agenda's, board minutes, and board policies at https://www.roundup.k12.mt.us/o/rsd/page/board-of-trustees

The varsity basketball games scheduled for today have been tentatively postponed to Tuesday at 4:00 and 5:30 PM.

Updated weekly schedule and leave times for Divisional Wrestling
Go Panthers!

The Roundup School District Board of Trustees is seeking community input on a DRAFT of a new Profile of a Graduate document. This document will guide educational decisions in the future. The document also includes ideas for new graduation requirements. If adopted the new requirements will take effect for the class of 2028. Please follow the link below to provide your input:https://forms.gle/may1iU3whA8JBmu58

Play Auditions can be attended live or virtually at the following address:
Play Auditions
Contact Mrs. Jones if attending either way is not possible.

We are scheduled to operate buses this afternoon for those students who traveled in to school. Once again, if families choose to keep their students’ home because of the weather their attendance has been exempted today. We continue to monitor the weather, and we will provide updates if necessary.

Practices today for all activities have been cancelled. They will resume tomorrow at their scheduled times and locations. Go Panthers!

Due to the weather conditions, the JV basketball games scheduled for today have been cancelled. Practices will resume tomorrow as planned.
Go Panthers!

ATTN 2025 SR Parents
We are in the final stages for planning the Senior Trip.. before reservations can be made
For All kids going, Your attendance is mandatory!!!
MEETING: Wed 2/5 6p at RHS
If you can not attend, you'll need to contact Brenda to arrange another time to fill out necessary paperwork and discuss any details.

PLEASE BE ADVISED THAT DUE TO INCLEMENT WEATHER BUSES WILL NOT BE RUNNING THIS MORNING, MONDAY February 3rd. WE DO PLAN TO ATTEMPT TO RUN IN THE AFTERNOON FOR ANY STUDENTS THAT FIND ALTERNATE TRANSPORTATION TO SCHOOL. If families choose to keep their students home it will be a school exempted day. We are monitoring the weather and we will send out additional information this afternoon.

Speech, Drama, & Debate Team Results from our State meet in Huntley Project - Jan 31-Feb 1, 2025:
Drama Team: 5th Place
Speech Team: 9th Place
Awardees - Finalists (Top 8 in the state):
Sophie Kellum - Lincoln Douglas Debate - 3rd Place
Lily Vickers - Humorous Solo - 3rd Place
Brandon Lindstrom, Jessie Graham, Thaiden Godfrey - Classical Theater - 4th Place
Elijah Oakes - Dramatic Solo - 5th Place
Olivia Rapp - Humorous Oral Interpretation - 6th Place
Lorien Godfrey - Spontaneous Oral Interp - 8th Place
Semi Finalists (top 16 in the state):
Elizabeth Gifford - Impromptu - 12thPlace
Destiny Hendrickson - Humorous Solo - 12th Place
Qualifiers (Top 20 in the state):
Trent Hamilton & Alivia Saiz - Humorous Theater - 18th Place
Congratulations to Coach Amy Jones on being nominated for BOTH Class B Drama Coach of the Year and Class B Speech Coach of the year. Results will be revealed in March. Good luck, Coach.
Thanks to everyone who has supported the team this year. It’s a great day to be a Panther!

The Roundup School District Board of Trustees is seeking community input on a DRAFT of a new Profile of a Graduate document. This document will guide educational decisions in the future. The document also includes ideas for new graduation requirements. If adopted the new requirements will take effect for the class of 2028. Please follow the link below to provide your input:https://forms.gle/may1iU3whA8JBmu58

📣 Just a reminder tonight is the night to see the Youth Cheer Clinic Halftime Show.
Performance will be during halftime of the Girls Varsity Game which starts at 6:00 pm.
Youth Cheer Clinic participants please arrive by 4pm check in at the High School
Go Panthers! 🐾

Good Luck and Break Legs- The 2025 Speech, Drama, & Debate team is on the road to Huntley to make Roundup proud! Go Panthers!!!!

Yesterday, RHS sent a group of student-athletes to the AIM Higher Leadership Conference sponsored by MHSA in Billings. This conference focuses on leadership, mentoring, sportsmanship, and making the right choices. If you get a chance, ask them how it went and what we learned about positive encouragement and culture. We have a bright future ahead of us!
Go Panthers!

Knights of Columbus Free Throw Championship
(Boys & Girls Ages 9-14)
Sunday, February 9, 2025 at Roundup High School
12:00 PM Practice
1:00 PM Contest

The wrestling meet on Friday in Colstrip's start time has been moved back to 5:00 PM.
The bus will leave at 1:30 PM from the high school.

Spring Play Auditions Tues, Feb 3 at 6 pm - RHS Room 5A
(everyone gets a role)
Contact Mrs. Jones with questions

RHS Weekly Schedule